5 Tips for Foxtrot and Waltz

1.     Maintain the Right Dance Hold: This is essential for seamless movement and connection with your partner.

Both dancers should start by facing their partner in a slightly offset position, being able to look past each other’s right ear. Leader, place your right hand a little below your partner’s shoulder blade, and your left hand clasped in your partner’s right hand at shoulder height. Follower, your left arm should rest on your partner's right arm.


2.     Have Proper Posture: Straighten up and stand tall.

Imagine a string attached to the top of your head, pulling you gently upwards. Keep your shoulders relaxed and down, chest lifted, and tuck in your tummy. Avoid arching your back or slumping forward, as this can throw off your balance on the dance floor.


3.     Use Your Legs and Core Muscles: This will power your ballroom dancing.

The tendency is to reach with your feet. Instead, push with the standing leg as you go from point A to point B, imagining you have a book on your head to create a smooth movement. Also engage your core muscles to improve your balance. Focus on drawing your navel towards your spine without holding your breath. Or think of it as hugging your belly button towards your spine – firmly, but not too tightly.


4.     Balance Resistance and Relaxation: Enhance connection with your partner through the right balance between intentional tension and ease.

While maintaining a firm connection with your partner through your frame and arms, be mindful not to grip too tightly or lock your joints. Soften your muscles, and be ready to adapt to changes in direction and timing. Being relaxed also helps prevent tension or stiffness in the body as well as tiredness.

Both techniques help dancers to respond effectively to each other’s lead and follow cues.

5.     Exercise Patience:

We understand a common frustration of the follower. “I do not know what to do.” Be patient, continue dancing in place until there is a clear lead.

Leader, visualize your next move before taking it. This gives confidence in what to do and how to lead your partner. Do not panic, thinking “this is getting boring” and start moving before you are ready. Just keep dancing the basic steps until you are comfortable to initiate a new move. Memorize combinations of several moves in succession. This builds muscle memory. You’ll soon be able to lead your partner through more elaborate moves effortlessly.

Now take to the floor, practice, and enjoy the magic of ballroom dancing.

Foxtrot Practice Songs

Lee Yee